Cattaneo & Stroud

At a Glance

  • Date Launched: September 9, 2015

About the Project




Cattaneo & Stroud is a healthcare consulting firm. After building an application for them with Ruby on Rails, we started in on the public facing website. They have a lot of information and data about physicians in certain areas (mainly San Francisco). All this data in their main product, and what they sell to hospitals.

In order to better advertise this product, along with a couple other things they do, we designed and developed a pretty clean and simple website for them.

Built with WordPress, the public facing website aims to inform potential buyers and hospitals about Cattaneo & Stroud and about their web tool (shown above). To do this, I kept a fairly clean, text based design. This is mainly because the visitors aren’t going to be the regular consumer, but rather people who need to know a lot of information about Cattaneo & Stroud.

We didn’t want to over clutter things, while at the same time making sure to keep long text blocks easy to read.

And since most of their site is text, they have no problem easily updating and maintaining everything!




Cattaneo & Stroud is a healthcare consulting firm. After building an application for them with Ruby on Rails, we started in on the public facing website. They have a lot of information and data about physicians in certain areas (mainly San Francisco). All this data in their main product, and what they sell to hospitals.

In order to better advertise this product, along with a couple other things they do, we designed and developed a pretty clean and simple website for them.

Built with WordPress, the public facing website aims to inform potential buyers and hospitals about Cattaneo & Stroud and about their web tool (shown above). To do this, I kept a fairly clean, text based design. This is mainly because the visitors aren’t going to be the regular consumer, but rather people who need to know a lot of information about Cattaneo & Stroud.

We didn’t want to over clutter things, while at the same time making sure to keep long text blocks easy to read.

And since most of their site is text, they have no problem easily updating and maintaining everything!

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